Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This week I have discovered some things about Chloe by "spying" on her. 

We were loaned a video monitor from a good friend and it has been interesting to watch her.  Before, I would have assumed that if she wasn't crying, then she was sleeping.  But this is not the case at all!  She spends a lot of time just hanging out and looking around.  Sometimes she will eventually fall asleep, other times she gets tired of laying there and will cry out.

The other way I have been "spying" on her is through our mirror in the car that attaches to the back of the seat.  Again,  I assumed if I couldn't hear her she was sleeping but nope.  Today, she was awake the entire way to Branson.  I always tell people, "Right as we get on the highway she is out like a light!" but obviously not.  She is just content.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Life with Chloe is starting to be, on most days, predictable.  For the last week she has slept swaddled between each nighttime nursing which has been fantastic!  At night she is able to put herself to sleep if I lay her down "drowsy but awake."  Every sleep website and book said to put them down "drowsy but awake" so they will learn to fall asleep but I always preferred her to fall asleep before so I could almost "trick" her into sleeping in her chair.  She is not able to put herself to sleep during the day for a nap.  I still rock and shoosh her to sleep then unless she falls asleep on someone.  I would love to let her fall asleep on me all the time but then our house would be a disaster! 

Chloe is taking baths without the infant insert now.  She still doesn't like baths but she doesn't cry through them either.  We started taking them in the mornings because she is so fussy at night when she gets tired that it was way too stressful.  One day she will LOVE them but for now, she gets cold. 

She is starting to realize that she can make noises.  She is "cooing" and "ahhing" and even just giving out a little yell at times.  It is very cute.  She is smiling regularly and will stick her tongue out at you and smile if you do it to her.  

We will probably post every week or so or as Chloe learns how to do new things!